Press Coverage of Equilibar Technology -

Press Coverage of Equilibar Technology

A wide variety of publications have featured Equilibar’s expertise and innovative approach. Scroll through the media gallery below for a sampling of case studies, articles, interviews and other press coverage.


yellow piping on cover of Valve Magazine

Valve Magazine Summer 2024

Polymer materials of construction expand capabilities of valves for specific applications

Sophisticated modern polymers continue to play key roles in many pharmaceutical, semiconductor and chemical processes that positively impact people around the world. At the same time, environmental issues have raised concerns about certain types of plastics, driving innovative efforts to develop modifications and to mitigate harmful effects. In this article, Equilibar’s Alan Black reviews the use of plastics  for valve bodies and polymer lined valves and valve seats.


PUK magazine cover with stainless steel device

Process Technology & Components 2024

Diaphragm metering pumps prove their worth for critical mixing tasks in industrial oligonucleotide production

A recent article in this German publication addresses some of the particular challenges of producing oligonucleotides–drugs made of short sections of genetic sequences–and demonstrates how a diaphragm metering pump combined with a sanitary valve with built-in dampener can address them. Turn to page 20 in the link.

valve magazine cover

Valve Magazine Summer 2023

Sustainable Protein Products: What's Ahead for Manufacturers?

Driven by ethical and environmental concerns, the demand for alternative proteins including cultivated meat has exploded in recent years.  As new processes are being developed and scaled up, engineers and scientists face both challenges and opportunities. This cover article by Equilibar’s Diane Jacober focuses on fluid control challenges for production of alternative proteins.

pharma manufacturing innovation award cover

Pharma Manufacturing December 2022

2022 Pharma Innovation Awards

Equilibar’s SDO Single Use Back Pressure Regulator was highlighted in this feature as a recipient of the 2022 PHARMA INNOVATION AWARDs from PHARMA Manufacturing magazine.  The single-use technology field is rapidly expanding and manufacturers need specifically designed fluid control products.  The SDO’s unique design easily handles an ultra-wide flow range and provides millisecond response to disturbances without control loop feedback.

cover of process instrumentation magazine

Process Instrumentation November 2022

Fluid Control for demanding pharmaceutical applications

In this cover article, Ryan Heffner, PE, discusses the unique challenges of designing fluid control systems for pharmaceutical applications, particularly after the rapid technical advances in the industry related to COVID19. Three distinct examples are provided to illustrate.

valve mag featuring Equilibar

Valve Magazine Summer 2022

Direct sealing diaphragm valves offer novel approach

An overview of direct sealing diaphragm valve technology provides background and examples of how these devices can be used in three distinct types of applications–back pressure control, vacuum control and flow control.  Catalysis, glovebox and research applications are highlighted.

resized process instrumentation level control

Process Instrumentation September 2021

Level control for a high throughput catalytic pilot plant

An article co-authored by Equilibar’s Jeff Jennings and Process Control Solutions’ Armand Bergsma focuses on a successful case study using dome-loaded direct-sealing technology to improve level control for a pilot plant for hydroprocessing catalytic research. High throughput experiments offer an effective means for the industry to test and understand a wide range of variables.

cover of flow control magazine featuring Equilibar cover story

Flow Control Magazine November 2020

The interaction between pressure & flow control

A comprehensive cover story in the November issue of Flow Control Magazine explains how innovative developments over the past 20 years have resulted in new ways of taking advantage of the interaction between flow and pressure control. Pharmaceutical, fine chemical, agrochemical and other industries have accelerated the conversion from batch-style reaction kettles to inline blending and continuous reaction flow chemistry.

processing magazine cover

Processing Magazine June 2020

Controlling chemical vacuum processes with direct sealing diaphragm valves

The use of vacuum technology for chemical processes has increased dramatically in recent years. Due to the hazards involved with corrosive chemicals, process components must be chemically compatible, as well as extraordinarily accurate and precise. Traditional methods of controlling vacuum are not always suitable, and alternatives–including direct sealing diaphragm valves– must be considered.

flow control june 2020

Flow Control Magazine June 2020

Case study: New flow control valve addresses demanding oil well injection application

An exciting case study shows how direct-sealing diaphragm valves provide precise flow control for an extremely complex oil well injection application. Equilibar products are being used more and more often in flow control in addition to pressure control and the trend should continue, particularly in applications requiring a wide Cv range, superior precision and multi-phase fluid control.

Water Technology Magazine

Water Technology Magazine May/June 2019

Dome-loaded regulators for pressure control applications.

This comprehensive six-page article gives an overview of dome-loaded pressure regulators and explains the difference between a pressure reducing regulator and a back pressure regulator. Two case studies, one provided by Richards Industries and one provided by Equilibar, demonstrate the advantages of dome-loaded regulators for processes involving automation and other complex parameters.

Le Journal de Fluides

Le Journal de Fluides April/May 2019

System-c: solutions et accompagnements techniques

In this in-depth interview, fluid control expert Fred Buskowa of System-C Instrumentation offers insights into innovative fluid control solutions and explains how Equilibar technology differs from conventional spring-loaded valves and back pressure regulators.  He explains how dome-loaded valves are able to offer advantages for applications with wide flow rate ranges, two-phase flow and extreme conditions including supercritical states.

March 2019 Flow Control Magazine

Flow Control Magazine March 2019

Considering innovative direct-sealing diaphragm valves for highly demanding applications

While Equilibar’s dome-loaded multiple orifice technology has become known as the gold standard for back pressure control, it is becoming more and more popular for its ability to provide flow control as well. Lightning-fast reaction, temperature and chemical compatibility, and wide flow range are some of the most popular advantages.

2018 I&EC cover

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research October 2018

Chemical Recovery of γ-Valerolactone/Water Biorefinery

Wood chips have emerged as a suitable biomass to replace fossil fuels and related products; however many technical and environmental complications must be overcome.  This study explores improved methods for a biorefinery used to extract pulp from eucalyptus chips for textile fiber production. Solvent recovery was done via liquid CO2 extraction using the Equilibar BR6 blockage resistant back pressure regulator–designed for supercritical extraction–to control pressure.
glovebox pressure control

Flow Control Magazine November 2017

Ultrasensitive glovebox pressure control

Glovebox technology is now used in a number of sophisticated processes.  In many cases, the pressure inside the glovebox must be strictly controlled, which can present multiple challenges when extreme conditions are combined with hazardous materials. This case study shows how Equilibar technology is able to provide reliable  vacuum control for a particularly challenging glovebox application.

Lab Manager

Lab Manager Magazine June 2016

How two-phase pressure control for reactors works

Researchers dealing with two-phase flow of gas and liquids together face unique challenges for back pressure control.  This informative HOW IT WORKS article explains how to use dome-loaded multiple orifice back pressure regulators to achieve accurate and precise control of two-phase flow in reactors.

cover of flow control oct 2015

Flow Control Magazine October 2015

Three key research applications of dome-loaded back pressure regulators

Catalysis research often involves challenging conditions such as microflow rates, aggressive and two-phase chemistry, high temperatures, and high pressures.  Three case studies demonstrate the advantages of dome-loaded back pressure regulators for catalysis applications, including their ability to process two-phase flow, capability for high temperatures, ultra wide flow rate window and compatibility with aggressive chemicals.

Aerospace and defense

Aerospace & Defense Technology April 2014

Application brief: vacuum regulators to simulate altitudes - p. 44

Testing oxygen generating systems presents unique challenges due to the high flow rates created by aircraft systems, the complexity of sinusoidal breathing, and the life-and-death importance of a reliable system. This case study explains how Equilibar’s patented vacuum technology proves up to the challenge.


WaterWorld February 2014

A dose of precision

To address a flow-control problem that was preventing consistent dosing for water sanitation, a municipal water supply system determined that an Equilibar regulator could both stabilize and expand the range of control.  Equilibar BPRs incorporate a dome-loaded design and use dozens of parallel orifices sealing on a supple diaphragm to better maintain pressure stability.

Flow Control NavAir

Flow Control Magazine November 2013

High performance pressure regulation

The US Navy’s Altitude Laboratory at the Naval Air Warfare Center is used to support both military fighter pilots and astronauts by assuring that their masks and life support systems are flight ready.  Researchers there successfully used Equilibar’s novel back-pressure and vacuum regulators in an application that requires stable pressure across flow rate changes of up to 1,000 to 1.

Cold Facts magazine

Cold Facts Winter 2012

Cryogenic temperature stabilization of the Daikin 308 Cryocooler

The Equilibar Back Pressure Regulator played a key role in a study conducted by The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.  The BPR was used to stabilize cryogenic temperatures by controlling helium gas pressure in the range of 4 degrees Kelvin.  The study reported an increase in temperature stability of 66 percent.

Flow Control Magazine

Flow Control Magazine June 2012

Understanding when and how mass flow meters need to be calibrated

Thermal mass flow meters and mass flow controllers are widely used in situations requiring precise control of gas flow rate. Accepted good practice is to control the outlet pressure of mass flow meters in the same range as the application pressure.  This article describes how a sensitive dome-loaded back pressure regulator can improve quality and efficiency.

Flow Control ultra low flow

Flow Control Magazine March 2011

Low and ultra-low pressure control

System designers often face a tricky decision about the best way to control extremely low pressures that may be encountered in applications such as tank blanketing, tubing die extrusion control and product integrity testing.  This article describes several traditional and emerging pressure control methods in the low-pressure range.

academic journals in university library

Scientific Research Journals 2007 through present

Scholarly articles in academic and scientific publications

A quick survey of academic research databases shows that Equilibar has been cited in hundreds of papers published in more than 100 scholarly publications, including Chemical Engineering Journal, Green Chemistry, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, and World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. The first papers citing Equilibar were published in 2007, the year of our official founding.

Equilibar News
photo collage of science journals

2025 Review of Scientific Research Publications

Each March, Equilibar conducts an annual survey of scholarly articles to learn more about how our technology is used to enable scientific progress. We’re happy to report that since March of 2024, approximately 120 scientific articles have cited our devices. These  papers describe experimental work being done not only at US universities, but also at Read More

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