Low Pressure Regulator for Medium and High Flow | Equilibar

Low Pressure Regulator for Medium and High Flow

Equilibar’s Series 41 precision low pressure regulator is specifically engineered for applications requiring accurate pressure control at low pressures where space is limited and unit envelop size can not be compromised. With sensitivity of 0.05″ H20 the Series 41 can be used for instrumentation testing or small tank blanketing applications. Put the new Equilibar Series 41 low pressure regulator to work for you today!

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Series 41 Specifications
Inlet (Supply) Pressure 20 – 150 psig / 1.4 – 10 bar(g)
Outlet Pressure Ranges 0 – 0.7 psig / 48 millibar(g)
0 – 1.4 psig / 96 millibar(g)
0 – 3.0 psig / 206 millibar(g)
0 – 5.0 psig / 344 millibar(g)
Flow Rate Up to 24 SCFM
Port Size 3/4” (Standard)
3/8” and 1/2” also available
Sensitivity As low as 0.05 in H20 / 1.27 mm H20
Temperature Range -40° to 200° F


How the Series 41 Low Pressure High Flow Regulator Works

The Series 41 is a manually adjustable spring operated pressure reducing regulator. The spring force is manually set using the adjustment knob. The spring acts on the top of the diaphragm assembly to open the main internal valve which allows the compressed gas supply to flow into the system and increase the system pressure. This increase in system pressure is sensed by the diaphragm. When the system pressure rises sufficiently to become equal to the force exerted by the set point spring then the main valve will close and no additional compressed gas supply will be allowed into the system. Should the system pressure rise above the desired set point provided by the spring, or if the spring set point is manually adjusted downward, then the internal exhaust valve will open to vent the excess pressure. In this manner pressure is maintained at the set point provided by the spring by adding compressed gas from the supply or by venting any excess system pressure through the exhaust port. The large sensitive diaphragm makes the Series 41 an ideal pressure regulator for low pressure applications, particularly when high flow rates are required.

Other Low Pressure Regulator options:

Equilibar offers an array of low pressure control solutions, including:

  • The LPR “Low Pressure Regulator” is designed for applications which have very low flow rate requirements but need even higher accuracy and sensitivity than the Series 41 high flow regulator can offer. The LPR is ideal for calibration labs or scientific research applications. Click here to learn more about the LPR2 – Ultra Low Pressure Regulator
  • Low pressure can be controlled electronically. The internal pressure sensor in the QPV series electronic air pressure regulators allows closed loop control. The QPV’s ability to control at low to very low pressures is enhanced by its use of truly proportional solenoid valves for smooth stepless control. Cick here to learn more about the QPV Low Pressure Electronic Regulators

Low Pressure Regulator - Model 41 - Medium and High Flow Rates

The Equilibar Series 41 pressure regulator has an enlarged diaphragm area for maximum sensitivity in low pressure applications.




Same day shipping!

The Series 41 High Flow Low Pressure Regulator is available off-the-shelf and can typically be shipped the same day the order is received.

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Equilibar News
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2025 Review of Scientific Research Publications

Each March, Equilibar conducts an annual survey of scholarly articles to learn more about how our technology is used to enable scientific progress. We’re happy to report that since March of 2024, approximately 120 scientific articles have cited our devices. These  papers describe experimental work being done not only at US universities, but also at Read More

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