Equilibar has years of experience in low pressure control and ultra low pressure systems. We offer several unique products and technologies for working in the range below 1 psig / 68.9 millibar(g).
Low Pressure Regulator for High and Medium Flow Rates
Highest available precision in this flow range
Equilibar’s Series 41 regulators are available with ranges as low as 0 to 0.7 psig / 48 millibar(g) and as high as 0 – 5 psig / 344 millibar(g). 1/2″ and 3/4″ size allows for larger flow rates up to 24 SCFM. Intended for air and inert gases.
Ultra Low Pressure Regulator for Low Flow Rates
Lowest range available
Equilibar’s unique LPR2 pressure reducing regulator controls in range of 0.25 to 7 inH20 (0.02 – 0.25 psig / 1.4 – 17 millibar(g)). For low flow or no flow air or inert gas applications only. Higher pressure ranges also available.
Designed for very low flow and no flow processes, the LPR2 is ideal for testing and set-point applications.
Low Pressure Electronic Regulators
Equilibar is proud to offer the lowest pressure range available in electronic pressure regulators. Our QPV Series offers full scale pressure ranges as low as 0.3 psig / 20 millibar(g) (10 inH20), with calibrated ranges as low as 0 – 4 in H20 / 100 mm H20.
The QPV incorporates new analog valve technology to delivery ultra-high resolution with virtually no hysteresis or deadband.
Low Pressure Relieving Regulators
The unique design of Equilibar® back pressure regulator (BPR) provides the ultimate in sensitivity and precision. Operating pressures of Equilibar BPRs go as low as 0.25 in H20 (0.02 psig / 1.4 mbar(g)), with sensitivity down to 0.001 psig / .07 mbar(g).
Equilibar BPRs are dome loaded and the dome pressure setpoint is set using an secondary “pilot” regulator to control air pressure on the dome of the BPR. Using an LPR2 Ultra Low Pressure Regulator to provide a setpoint signal, an Equilibar BPR can control at very low pressures in the inH2O/mbar region. Read more about how the Equilibar BPR works.

Equilibar GS4 back pressure regulator
Extech HD700 Differential Pressure Manometer
The Extech HD700 Digital Differential Manometer is perfect for working with low and ultra low pressures. Full range is +/- 2 psig (54 inH2O, 13.8 kPa, 103 mmHg). This reliable and feature-packed tool is economical, easy-to-use, and incredibly sensitive. Units display in bar, oz/in2, psi, inHg, mbar, mmhg, kPa, kg/cm2, inH2O, ftH2O, and cmH2O. Resolution to 0.001 psi, 0.01 kPa, or 0.01 inH2O. Includes data acquisition software with serial interface cable, battery, charger, and tubing. See brochure for details.