Water hammer - Equilibar

Water hammer

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A pressure surge or wave caused when a fluid is forced to stop or change direction abruptly is called water hammer. Often it is caused by a valve closing. The pressure wave can cause major problems, including pipe rupture. Using devices such as pulsation dampeners can reduce the effects. If you are having issues with water hammer in your Equilibar fluid control valve, please visit our chatter support page . For a detailed explanation of how to analyze water hammer issues, see this video from Mike Crowley with Fluid Mechanics in the UK.

Equilibar News

Pressure Control for Pyrolysis Processes

Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of materials at elevated temperatures. Pyrolysis processes have a wide variety of uses throughout industry—they are used to break down heavy hydrocarbons in oil refining, for example, and to reduce organic matter to elemental carbon for charcoal production. Pyrolysis reactors are particularly well suited for Equilibar technology because they involve Read More

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