Air-loaded valve - Equilibar

Air-loaded valve

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

An air-loaded valve or regulator is operated by a static air signal applied to the top of a diaphragm or piston to determine the set point. It requires no control spring or pilot. 

Equilibar designs and manufactures dome-loaded back pressure regulators, which is similar to air-loaded but uses a continuous air signal to the top of a diaphragm to determine the pressure set point. It also requires no control spring. Because the air signal is continuous, it automatically adjusts for process changes upstream and downstream.


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Equilibar News

Pressure Control for Pyrolysis Processes

Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of materials at elevated temperatures. Pyrolysis processes have a wide variety of uses throughout industry—they are used to break down heavy hydrocarbons in oil refining, for example, and to reduce organic matter to elemental carbon for charcoal production. Pyrolysis reactors are particularly well suited for Equilibar technology because they involve Read More

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