Equilibar is now able to provide wetted body components and metallic diaphragms with Inert Silicon coating. The surface treatment eliminates surface adsorption of active compounds like sulfurs, H2S, ammonia and mercury on steel. This allows users to install Equilibar regulators in systems with low level sampling and storage of active compounds.
For increased wear resistance Dursan® coating is applied. Dursan’s superior inertness and extreme corrosion resistance make it the ideal coating for harsh environments found in:
Chemical process industries, Refining, Oil & Gas exploration and other demanding applications.

Equilibar regulators are available with Inert Silicon Coating. The picture compares the surface finish between stainless steel 316 units with: No Coating (top), SilcoNert® 2000 (bottom left) and Dursan® (bottom right)
Performance data was taken using a PTFE coated glass composite diaphragm and Polyimide diaphragms between all three units. The pressure control performance was stable from unit to unit. Results indicated that the thin micron layer of inert coating caused no degradation in the high precision capabilities of the Equilibar regulators tested.
Stainless Steel 316 diaphragms are also available for coating.

Equilibar diaphragms are available with Inert Silicon Coating. The picture compares the surface finish between stainless steel 316 diaphragms with: No Coating (top), SilcoNert® 2000 (bottom left) and Dursan® (bottom right)
The back pressure regulators is composed of a wetted body and non-wetted reference cap. The non-wetted metal caps are provided without the silicon inert coating but are available with the sulfur resistant coating upon request.

Equilibar Back Pressure Regulator for Sulfur, H2S and Other Active Compounds. Wetted components are coated with inert silicon for sulfur, H2s resistance. Non-wetted metallic parts are available without coating.
For more information on Inert Silicon Coated Back Pressure Regulator or Inert Silicon Coated Diaphragms please contact Equilibar.