Introducing the HV Series High Flow Back Pressure and Vacuum Valves -

Introducing the HV Series High Flow Back Pressure and Vacuum Valves

HV Series High Flow Back Pressure and Vacuum Valves

  • Ryan Heffner with HV Series Back Pressure and Vacuum Regulators

Equilibar’s proven and patented multi-orifice technolgy is now available in bigger packages! Introducing the HV series back pressure and vacuum valves. These valves are ideal for applications requiring small differential pressures and/or high flow rates. The unique inlet orifice arcs reduce inlet friction to provide the user with maximum control and stability. The HV series regulators can be used for differentials as small as 2 in WC or pressures up to 15 psig (30 in Hg Vacuum). Available line sizes are 2, 4 and 6 inches and come standard with 150# flanges.

More information on the HV Series Back Pressure Valves can be found here.

More information on the HV Series Vacuum Valves can be found here.

You can also contact one of our engineers for immediate assistance.

Equilibar News
Single Use WFI point of use system image

Single Use Spotlight: flow control for WFI point-of-use systems

In modern biopharma manufacturing, water-for-injection (WFI) point-of-use (POU) control systems provide sterile, temperature-controlled water to be dispensed at a variety of locations throughout a plant.  Many POU methods rely on level and mass measurements, which typically require operator oversight during dispensing. A newer option relies on flow measurement, which can streamline cleanroom processes and simplify Read More

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