Equilibar designs are issued CRN throughout Canada -

Equilibar designs are issued CRN throughout Canada

Latest in long list of certifications and guidelines

  • Photo of Equilibar U6L and H6P back pressure regulator

We are happy to announce that several Equilibar® regulator designs have been issued a Canadian Registration Number (CRN) in every Canadian Province and Territory. The products receiving a CRN include select research series, sanitary and supercritical valves.

The CRN is a number issued by an authorized safety authority for any boiler, pressure vessel or fitting that operates at a pressure greater than 15 psig (1 bar) in Canada.

“The CRN is important because it helps ensure safety, and we are glad to be able to offer it for our Canadian customers,” said Equilibar Design Engineer Ryan Heffner. “It took a little time to work with each province, but we feel it is definitely worth it.”

The CRN is the most recent addition to a long list of certifications and guiding standards that Equilibar uses to ensure excellence in both quality and safety. Here are a few others we’d like to share:

ISO 9001:2015 – Equilibar’s Quality System is ISO 9001:2015 Certified. The ISO standard was developed by the International Organization for Standardization and establishes a uniform set of measurements for international manufacturers to gauge quality management systems. It provides a strong road map for our continuous improvement efforts and serves as foundation for our quality programs, which involve every aspect of our business.

ASME B31.3 – ASME Process Piping Design Standard B31.3 contains requirements for piping materials and component design, fabrication, assembly, inspection, and testing. Equilibar design engineers use this standard as the primary technical reference to design products. All new designs are tested by conducting hydrostatic pressure tests in the range of 3-4 times the maximum allowable working pressure. https://www.asme.org/products/codes-standards/b313-2016-process-piping

CE Mark – The letters CE appearing on products signify that products sold in the European Economic Area (EEA) have been assessed to meet high safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. Several Equilibar electronic pressure regulator product offerings meet CE requirements.

USP Class VI – United States Pharmacopea standard that defines material suitability for biological pharma processes with an emphasis on absence of extractable contaminates. Equilibar FD Sanitary Series regulators are all stainless steel and offer USP Class VI certification for wetted polymer / elastomer components upon request.

Please visit our Certifications and Guiding Standards Page for even more examples or contact one of our engineers. They are happy to answer your questions.


Equilibar News
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