Introducing the Fluid Control Resource Library -

Introducing the Fluid Control Resource Library

  • Equilibar's resource library is always open

We recently calculated that Equilibar’s technical team has approximately 100 years of combined experience in flow and pressure control. Our engineers and technicians have helped create fluid control solutions for multiple industries including aerospace, pharmaceutical, nuclear, oil and gas, materials, coatings, chemical, fuel cell testing and supercritical extraction.

Equilibar’s new Fluid Control Resource Library is a convenient way to share this vast wealth of experience not only with our customers and partners, but also with interested engineers, researchers and students across the world.

“We work closely with fluid control every day,” said Application Engineer Alan Black, who is often the first contact for Equilibar inquiries. “Usually, our customers do not, so it’s expected and normal for them to have a lot of questions, even if they are highly experienced in their field. We often answer the same question many times a week.”

A few of the most common questions are:

  • What is the difference between a back pressure regulator and a pressure reducing regulator?
  • How does a diaphragm valve work?
  • What is the difference between flow control and pressure control?

The Fluid Control Resource Library consists of three parts—the Fluid Control Glossary, which provides real-life definitions of fluid control terms such as dome-loaded regulator and vacuum regulator; the How It Works section, which provides more in-depth explanations of flow and pressure technology concepts; and the Ask the Experts section, in which some of our senior professionals share their practical and conceptual knowledge of fluid control issues.

Equilibar Fluid Control Resource Library

Equilibar Fluid Control Resource Library

While the library offers a nice assortment of information right now, we intend to continue building it as questions and issues arise. If you have a question or an idea for future entries, please don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing us at And of course, we hope you will visit our library using this link to see what we’ve created.

Equilibar News
three sanitary stainless steel valves for low flow

New sanitary valves will accommodate extremely low flow & smaller process equipment

Equilibar has introduced an expansion of products in their FDO series of sanitary fluid control valves as well as shortened lead times for delivery of most existing FDO models. The new sanitary valves for low flow will open up opportunities and expand options for system designers. Superior precision now possible for more pharmaceutical, personal care, Read More

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