Equilibar Review by ILS Focuses on Laboratory Benefits -

Equilibar Review by ILS Focuses on Laboratory Benefits

  • Anton-Nagy-ILS

In 2017, as part of our tenth anniversary celebration, we’ve been honored to remember some of the clients and partners who have helped us become pressure control experts.

Integrated Lab Solutions (ILS) of Berlin performs simulation, design, construction and chemical testing work on custom- and standard chemical R&D testing units. For many years, ILS has been a valued client of Equilibar and a partner in many exciting projects. We have truly learned from each other in a collaborative relationship.

We were excited when ILS founder, Dr. Anton Nagy, and other ILS researchers made a video to commemorate our anniversary. In it, they reviewed their experiences with Equilibar pressure control products. We invite you to watch this review to gain specific information about the benefits of using our dome-loaded multiple-orifice back pressure regulator in research and laboratory applications, particularly fixed-bed reactor units and trickle flow systems.


Several Equilibar case studies feature ILS applications, especially catalysis applications and applications that involve two-phase or multi-phase flow of both liquids and gases together.

In one case study, ILS demonstrated highly stable pressure while passing simultaneous liquid and gas from a high pressure reactor at 300 bar (4500 psig). The EB1HP1 shown in the photograph is controlling the pressure of the reactor upstream. For applications in this high pressure range, SS316L or Hasteloy C276 diaphragms are typically used.


An Equilibar back pressure regulator in an ILS application.

Some of the benefits of Equilibar’s research series of regulators include the unit’s compact size and its ability to perform well in temperature extremes, harsh chemistries and in a wide range of pressure and flow rates. Because a flexible diaphragm is the only moving part, the Equilibar avoids hysteresis and other problems that often occur with traditional pressure control valves and regulators.

For more information about ILS, see http://www.integratedlabsolutions.com/working-with-ils/about-ils/ils-facts/.

For more information about using Equilibar back pressure regulators in laboratory or other research and industrial applications, contact one of our application engineers at inquiry@equilibar.com

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