Our Production Team Is Growing -

Our Production Team Is Growing

  • Equilibar new production team members

Equilibar is excited to introduce our newest production team members. Their collective energy and focus are already enabling us to work more efficiently and stay more closely in tune with customer needs.

Chris Swain, Specialty Technician, has trained for multiple roles on the production floor, which allows Equilibar to work agilely and respond to changing demands quickly. The nature of his job is a perfect match for Chris. “My goal is to learn everything I can and be able to help in every area of the business,” he said. Chris especially enjoys the people he works with and the atmosphere at Equilibar. “Everyone gets the job done and has a good time doing it.”

Scott Phifer, Inventory Specialist, has a bachelor’s degree in recreation with a minor in business management from Appalachian State University. “My favorite part of the job is being involved in the processes of production for our custom built regulators,” he said. “I get to interact with all the different vendors and do my best to put a smile on their face before they leave our establishment.” Scott’s goals are to continue to improve efficiency and to contribute to the positive work environment. He is doing a great job on both counts.

Thomas Wolniak works as Equilibar’s quality technician, inspecting and hand-testing each part before it goes out the door. Thomas has education in CAD design and other specialty areas as well as more than ten years of experience in manufacturing and quality systems. “I enjoy the atmosphere at Equilibar as well as my co-workers,” he said. His attention to detail and knowledge of standards and procedures are strong assets in our quality program. A native of Chicago, Thomas is a sky diver in his free time.

Equilibar News
photo collage of science journals

2025 Review of Scientific Research Publications

Each March, Equilibar conducts an annual survey of scholarly articles to learn more about how our technology is used to enable scientific progress. We’re happy to report that since March of 2024, approximately 120 scientific articles have cited our devices. These  papers describe experimental work being done not only at US universities, but also at Read More

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