Archive: Happy Holidays from Equilibar: 2016 - 2016

Archive: Happy Holidays from Equilibar: 2016

  • Equilibar back pressure regulator at the holidays

see this year’s holiday message

In the past, Equilibar has sent greeting cards featuring a picture of one of our regulators all decked out for the holidays. We were surprised when many people thought it was an actual ornament rather than an industrial back pressure valve!

We think our regulators are beautiful, too, so we’re happy to post the picture once again.

Whether made from stainless steel or another material, our patented back pressure regulators offer elegant design and unparalleled precision. They are perfect for the most demanding applications, including catalysis research, mixed phase flow, extreme chemistries, extreme temperatures and more. Our engineers are customer-focused and eager to answer questions about even the most complex scenarios, so please feel free to give them a call.

We wish all our customers and partners around the world a peaceful holiday filled with light and laughter. Many wishes for a wonderful New Year.


Equilibar News

Pressure Control for Pyrolysis Processes

Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of materials at elevated temperatures. Pyrolysis processes have a wide variety of uses throughout industry—they are used to break down heavy hydrocarbons in oil refining, for example, and to reduce organic matter to elemental carbon for charcoal production. Pyrolysis reactors are particularly well suited for Equilibar technology because they involve Read More

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