How does a dome-loaded regulator work and what are the advantages?  - Equilibar

How does a dome-loaded regulator work and what are the advantages? 

By Jeff Jennings 

Jeff Jennings, PE, is founder of Equilibar and inventor of Equilibar’s patented fluid control technology. He has experience in the chemical, nuclear, materials, and coatings industries. For the past 20 years, he has specialized in complex fluid control. In this extensive article for Water Technology Magazine, Jeff explains how a dome-loaded regulator works and reviews the differences between a pressure reducing regulator and a back pressure regulator. Two case studies demonstrate possible advantages.

Equilibar News
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Equilibar for electrolysis: emergency shutdown valves

Electrolysis is the chemical process of using electricity to divide a molecule into its component parts. It plays a key role in hydrogen and other renewable energy technologies, which has led to increased exploration and activity in the field. Many electrolysis applications require extremely precise fluid control that can respond to changes almost immediately. The Read More

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