Three Catalysis Applications from Equilibar Featured in Magazine -

Three Catalysis Applications from Equilibar Featured in Magazine

  • cover of flow control oct 2015

Flow Control Magazine recently featured an article focusing on three applications using Equilibar regulators for catalysis research. These case studies were at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Auburn University and Integrated Lab Solutions in Germany.

As the article explains: “One of the challenges catalysis researchers face is finding effective fluid control systems that can operate under harsh conditions, including microflow rates, aggressive and two-phase chemistry, high temperatures, and high pressures.”

Such challenges have created a unique opportunity for manufacturers of dome-loaded backpressure regulators such as Equilibar.

Equilibar News

Pressure Control for Pyrolysis Processes

Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of materials at elevated temperatures. Pyrolysis processes have a wide variety of uses throughout industry—they are used to break down heavy hydrocarbons in oil refining, for example, and to reduce organic matter to elemental carbon for charcoal production. Pyrolysis reactors are particularly well suited for Equilibar technology because they involve Read More

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