Low Pressure Control Regulator - Equilibar Back Pressure Regulator

Low Pressure Control

Equilibar Back Pressure Regulators Offer Excellent Precision at Very Low Pressures

The Equilibar® Precision Back Pressure Regulator (BPR) offers unparalleled performance in the very-low pressure region. An Equilibar BPR can be used to control pressure down to 1 inWC or 2.5 mbar.

This extraordinary precision makes the Equilibar BPR uniquely qualified for high precision, low-pressure applications in the both laboratory and industrial settings such as glovebox and tank blanketing pressure control.

The Equilibar GS Series and BD Series BPRs can both be configured for very low pressure applications. BD Series regulators are for higher flow and GS Series regulators are for medium flow.

Please contact an Equilibar engineer to discuss your low pressure application. They can recommend the model that would be most appropriate for your application parameters.

Low pressure performance

The graph below demonstrates the extremely tight pressure control of a low-pressure BPR model using a delicate polyethylene diaphragm. Based on the customer application, an Equilibar BPR is designed with an appropriately sensitive diaphragm suitable for the application demands.

back pressure regulator low pressure preformance chart (5K)

Example low-pressure performance at various setpoints and flow rates

Contact an Equilibar application engineer for assistance in choosing the low-pressure back pressure regulator that best suits your unique process needs.

Stainless Steel pressure regulator
The precision of Equilibar regulators is unparalleled in low and very low pressure applications.
Equilibar performance comparison chart
Learn more about Equilibar’s unique performance advantages.

Special Application Focus:
Precision Ultra Low Pressure Gas Supply System

There are very few if any commercial regulators capable of precisely controlling gas pressure below 0.5 psig / 34 millibar(g) with varying flow rates.

The LPR2 can be used in conjunction with an Equilibar precision back pressure regulator and a flow control valve to provide incredible precision and responsiveness. By venting any gas flow not required by the application, this system can accommodate forward or reverse gas flow at the application without loss of accuracy.

Equilibar News
photo collage of science journals

2025 Review of Scientific Research Publications

Each March, Equilibar conducts an annual survey of scholarly articles to learn more about how our technology is used to enable scientific progress. We’re happy to report that since March of 2024, approximately 120 scientific articles have cited our devices. These  papers describe experimental work being done not only at US universities, but also at Read More

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