What is Valve Authority?
Equilibar control valves respond to miniscule pressure changes in milliseconds and have near zero hysteresis or deadband. PID loop can easily control close to zero valve dP.
Equilibar control valves respond to miniscule pressure changes in milliseconds and have near zero hysteresis or deadband. PID loop can easily control close to zero valve dP.
Equilibar FD Series sanitary back pressure regulator can be used as a flow control valve to control CIP solutions for cleaning process skids
An Equilibar back pressure regulator (BPR) has several advantages over other BPRs in flow chemistry applications.
Equilibar FD Series sanitary back pressure regulator can be used as a flow control valve to control flow at user points along WFI loop.
The key to the ultra wide range of flow comes from the high resolution of the Equilibar BPR coupled with the Equilibar QPV.
Maintain stable output flow rate downstream of positive displacement pumps such as gear pumps, lobe pumps and diaphragm pumps.
Equilibar BPRs have ultra high resolution, zero hysteresis, and zero dead-band. This can be useful for alternative flow control.
The Equilibar precision back pressure can be used as an alternative to traditional flow control valves in certain applications requiring very high resolution and zero deadband.