Precision Vacuum Control with Higher Capacity -

Precision Vacuum Control with Higher Capacity

RSV Remote Sense Mechanical Vacuum Pilot Regulator

  • Schematic of vacuum control with EVR and RSV pilot

The Equilibar® vacuum regulator (EVR) is a dome-loaded pilot operated vacuum regulator. It can be operated with mechanical or electronic pilots in open-loop or closed-loop control schemes for precise vacuum control.

The Equilibar® RSV is a highly sensitive mechanical vacuum pilot regulator that provides closed-loop control of an Equilibar vacuum regulator for improved performance. It actively adjusts the pilot reference vacuum level to maintain an extremely steady vacuum setpoint despite large variations in flow.

The schematic below shows a general vacuum process configuration with an Equilibar vacuum regulator and the RSV pilot regulator.

Schematic of vacuum pressure control with EVR and RSV pilot


The EVR is shipped with a tee fitting at the inlet port that provides a location for a “local” remote sense line to the RSV (see image below). The RSV works by using this remote sense input to carefully adjust the vacuum force that is applied to the pilot reference port of the vacuum regulator. This “local” remote sense configuration self-corrects the pilot pressure to compensate for internal friction of the EVR, keeping the pressure stable from the lowest flow rates to the maximum capacity of the valve. It can be integrated with any Equilibar vacuum regulator to provide a wider flow range with greater precision.

When the EVR regulator is paired with the RSV pilot regulator, the precision performance of the EVR is carried into higher flow rates, effectively doubling the capacity of the Equilibar vacuum regulator.

The graph below compares the performance of an EVR-GSD4 (1/2” inlet port) controlled in a standard open loop configuration, with the performance controlled in an RSV closed loop configuration. In this example the standard pilot configuration of the EVR-GSD4 performs well at very low flow rates less than 1 SCFM up to flow rates of 10 SCFM. With the RSV pilot configuration, the performance is excellent up to a flow rate of 20 SCFM.


For more information about how Equilibar products can help improve your vacuum control, please contact an application engineer.

Equilibar Vacuum Regulator with 160A remote sense pilot regulator

Equilibar EVR-GSD4S Vacuum Regulator with RSV Pilot Regulator

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2025 Review of Scientific Research Publications

Each March, Equilibar conducts an annual survey of scholarly articles to learn more about how our technology is used to enable scientific progress. We’re happy to report that since March of 2024, approximately 120 scientific articles have cited our devices. These  papers describe experimental work being done not only at US universities, but also at Read More

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