Fuel Pump Testing - Equilibar Precision Fluid Control

Improving Fuel Pump Testing with Back Pressure Regulation

Automotive and aircraft

  • schematic of Equilibar back pressure regulator in a fuel pump test stand
In fuel system component testing such as fuel pump testing, it is desirable to perform development and quality assurance tests at or close to actual operating conditions. This means varying the back pressure and the rpm of the unit(s) during the testing cycle. Varying speed is a well known process, but varying back pressure may get complicated or costly. Equilibar® Back Pressure Regulators (BPRs) can simplify the design of the test rig and provide reliable service under high cycle service.

In the schematic below, the fuel pump under test pumps fluid to an Equilibar BPR acting as a load for the system test. The Equilibar BPR gets a pneumatic setpoint pilot signal from an electro-pneumatic controller driven by test computer with the desired rpm, flow and pressure sequences. The fuel system tests can simulate the actual service conditions of varying loads and speeds enabling a better prediction of performance in future use.

schematic of Equilibar back pressure regulator in a fuel pump test stand

Benefits of using an Equilibar back pressure regulator

Because the Equilibar BPR can control pressure across a wide range of flow rates, one BPR is suitable for the entire range of product testing. The same test stand can be used for product design and for quality assurance tests. The Equilibar BPR has a flexible diaphragm as its only moving part, resulting in instantaneous control with changes in setpoint. The setpoint pressures can be cycled rapidly to create high cycle tests and the Equilibar BPR will respond in kind. Cycle testing can be completed in a relatively short period of time.

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Equilibar 3/8

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Watch the video below of how the Equilibar Back Pressure Regulator controls the flow of a pump.

Control the Flow of a Pump With a Back Pressure Regulator

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2025 Review of Scientific Research Publications

Each March, Equilibar conducts an annual survey of scholarly articles to learn more about how our technology is used to enable scientific progress. We’re happy to report that since March of 2024, approximately 120 scientific articles have cited our devices. These  papers describe experimental work being done not only at US universities, but also at Read More

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