Back Pressure Control Valve

Back Pressure Control Valves for Liquids, Gases or Multiphase Fluids

  • Equilibar BD Series Stainless Steel
Equilibar offers precision back pressure valves (BPV) for a wide variety of industrial applications for liquid, gas and multiphase fluids. Equilibar dome-loaded multi-orifice BPV design offers extreme precision and fast response to keep your process in control. These valves can be operated manually or electronically depending on your application. Select your size range below for more information or read more below about how the Equilibar BPV works and what advantages it offers.

Industrial Service Back Pressure Valves  BD Series
Line size 1.5″ to 4″
SS316, PVC or Anodized Aluminum
Max Pressure of 150 psig / 10 bar(g)
Max Cv of 160

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Precision Back Pressure Regulator

GS Series
Line size 1/4″ to 1″
SS316L, Anod Alum, PVC, PEEK, custom
Max Pressure of 2500 psig / 172 bar(g)
Max Cv of 8.5

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How the Equilibar Back Pressure Regulator Works

Equilibar® back pressure regulators work in a completely different way than traditional back pressure control valves. Equilibar back pressure regulators control pressure in a precise one-to-one ratio to a pilot signal pressure that is applied to the top of a diaphragm. The other side of the diaphragm is exposed to the process media pressure that is being controlled. The diaphragm moves in response to a sensitive and precise 1:1 force balance between the process media pressure and the pilot pressure. The pilot pressure is provided by a simple mechanical regulator or with a remotely controlled electronic pressure regulator.

The internal operation of the Equilibar regulator can be seen in the cross section diagram at right. The diaphragm is the only moving part and acts as the regulator by directly sealing against the internal orifices. The result is instantaneous control keeping the inlet process pressure in tight equilibrium with the pilot regulator

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Advantages of Using Equilibar BPRs

Easiest Control Loop

The diaphragm inside the Equilibar back pressure valve is its own closed loop system. The precise 1:1 pressure balance maintained by the diaphragm means that the Equilibar valve will automatically modulate the flow rate to keep the upstream pressure matched to the pressure setpoint. A complicated feedback regulator or hard to tune PID loop is not required

Accurate and Stable Back Pressure Control

The diaphragm inside the Equilibar is frictionless and sensitive to very small changes in the upstream pressure. This diaphragm compensates for system changes automatically and immediately to keep the pressure matched to the pilot pressure.

High Speed Response

The diaphragm is loaded with a compressed gas pilot signal. This allows the diaphragm to respond to changes in the upstream pressure or flow rate within 10mS. The compressed gas on the pilot does not inhibit or dampen the diaphragm’s ability to respond quickly.

High Flow Rate Turn Down Ratio

The Equilibar back pressure valve controls pressure using a multiple orifice design. As the flow rate increases or decreases more or fewer orifices will be brought in to play by the action of the diaphragm. Only one orifice might be required to modulate for very low flow rates while multiple orifices will be used when higher flow rates or surges in the flow occur. Flow rate turn down ratios of over 100,000:1 are achievable.

High Pressure Turn Down Ratio

The diaphragm inside the Equilibar regulator is flexible and strong as it is manufactured from modern polymers. This diaphragm allows the valve to control back pressure over a very wide range. For example, a 1000 psi control valve could be expected to control pressures as low as 25 psi while maintaining accuracy.

The Definition of Back Pressure Control Valves and Regulators

The term back pressure control valve and back pressure regulator are often used interchangeably. The Equilibar valves shown on this page are also referred to back pressure regulators on the rest of this site. However, Equilibar uses the term back pressure valve to describe regulators which are 1.5 inch size or larger while reserving the term back pressure regulator to describe products that are smaller than 1.5 inches.

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Flow Control using Back Pressure Control Valves and Regulators

Equilibar back pressure regulators and valves can be used to control flow across a wide range of flow rates using closed loop automation. Equilibar valves are being used for flow control in challenging operations such as extremely wide Cv ranges, low DP or high DP, multiphase or supercritical flow, continuous flow and sanitary applications.

how a back pressure regulator works

Cross-sectional diagram of an Equilibar back pressure regulator

Photo of BD 12 with Electronic Pilot Regulator

Simple Design. Brilliant Control.
An Equilibar electronic pressure regulator can directly command the pilot of the Equilibar® back pressure valve with no PID, tuning, or sluggish performance. The Equilibar is capable of handling flow rate variations up to 1000:1 compared to 15:1 for most traditional control valves.


Available in many sizes. Download a Brochure.
BD brochure

BD Series large back pressure regulators with 1.5″ – 4″ inlet ports.

GS Series back pressure regulator brochure cover 2024

GS Series smaller sized industrial models from 1/4″ – 1″ inlet ports

For details about all Equilibar® back pressure valves and regulators, visit our BPR Main Page.
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Equilibar News
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2025 Review of Scientific Research Publications

Each March, Equilibar conducts an annual survey of scholarly articles to learn more about how our technology is used to enable scientific progress. We’re happy to report that since March of 2024, approximately 120 scientific articles have cited our devices. These  papers describe experimental work being done not only at US universities, but also at Read More

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