Equilibar Back Pressure Regulator used in Carbonated Water Flooding for Advanced Oil Recovery

Equilibar Regulator used in Carbonated Water Flooding for Advanced Oil Recovery Research

Back Pressure Regulator for Carbonated Water Flooding

  • carbonated water

Researchers at the Technical University of Delft in The Netherlands are exploring a novel method of using Carbonated
Water Flooding to increase the amount of oil that can be recovered from sandstone reservoirs and to improve the environmental impact and safety of the oil extraction process. As part of this endeavor, they used an Equilibar® back pressure regulator that is able to withstand harsh process fluids and operate in the high pressure range while also holding pressure at low flow to practically zero flow rates.

Read  Customer Case Study: Back Pressure Regulator used in Carbonated Water Flooding for Advanced Oil Recovery

Equilibar News
image of Equilibar BPR used in cryogenic application

Market Focus: Cryogenic Applications Continue to Grow

For years, Equilibar’s direct-sealing diaphragm technology has been popular among scientists and engineers working in cryogenics. Historically, Equilibar’s cryogenic applications have included work in radio astronomy, pharmaceuticals and aerospace products. More recently, our engineers have reported exciting new cryogenic applications related to cryogenic fuel pump testing for rockets and liquid hydrogen storage for green energy Read More

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